Monday, October 21, 2013

An experiment - Step One

For the next ten weeks I am going to try something. 

I am going to be intentional. 

I am going to engage. 

I am going to pay attention.

It's going to be like a spiritual cleanse.

I am going to dedicated one week - for ten weeks - to each of the 10 guideposts that Brene Brown gives in her book Daring Greatly  for being a person who is "Wholeheartedly Living." 

Step One: Cultivate Authenticity - Let go of what people think. 

Let go of who I am supposed to be. 

Let go of things I should do. 

Let go of assumptions about what I think people are thinking. 

Let go of trying to please everyone. 

Of being normal. 

Of being thin. 

Of hating my nose. 

Of having the right career.

Of the weight of trying to be someone.

Of feeling guilty. 

Just let go... and be me. 

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